Wednesday, March 10, 2010

indoor plants maintenance

All indoor or semi-shade plants as I'd like to call them , require a minimum of 2-3 hours of light early morning or late evening sunlight or at lease a good amount of reflected light, from a near by window. Keeping this in mind

Depending on placement water semi-shade plant every alternate day, again this is not a thumb rule you must check plants and come up with your own schedule. Many factors like wind intensity, amount of light, day time temperature have a considerable effect on the plant.
Orchids need to be watered a minimum of twice a day three times on really hot days as with many Fern varieties. They also like to be place with other plants rather than being isolated.

Never allow water to stand in the tray below.

Clean leaves with spray throughly three times a week.

Fertilizer in solid for can be added once a month and in liquid form once a week for leaf shine.

It is important to rotate plants so that there is even growth as the leaves tend to move towards whatever little light there is. Upward turned leaves are a good indication of this especially for the Fittonia plant.

Try and study the growth habit of your plant. For example how they re-produce like ferns produce spores on the underside of the leaves. Little brown dots are found, most people tend to think its some sort of pest infestation which is not true and spray the plant unnecessarily
Re-potting rules are the same as indoor plants. Semi-shade plants are more hardy, so can be handled a little less delicately.

Most semi-shade plants tend to have a creeping habit and need to be supported. Coconut husk sticks are a great durable and environmentally friendly option available at Green Grower.

Semi-shade plants that have hairy leaves like the African Violet can be watered from the plate below itself so that you don't end up wetting the leaves all the time as they can rot. But make sure you constantly keep dust off the leaves washing or dusting them at least two time a week.

Regularly keep cleaning any dead or yellowing leaves from the plant to keep up appearances.

Common pest infestation are mealy bugs, any systemic spray will do. Dosage is same as for outdoor plants.

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